Friday, March 13, 2009

Why God Brings Revival

More notes from Iain Murray's Pentecost - Today? on why God brings revival (pages 71-72)
  • for a great enlargement of the church and usher in a new era of evangelism
  • to establish new agencies -- missionary societies, Bible and tract societies, and organisations to remedy social sufferings and evils
  • to raise up young men and women prepared to raise the next generation by building godly homes
  • to bring home the elect before their lives are cut short in epidemics or natural disasters
  • to give special encouragement to the godly before the onset of persecution or other trials
"The sovereignty of God, far from being seen as a discouragement to our efforts, ought to be seen as an eminent reason for hope and expectancy. Ignoring divine sovereignty may appear to give more room for enthusing over human organisation and activity but the truth is that the church has always accomplished most when she has most deeply realised her own helplessness. Dependence upon God is our greatest need; it focuses our attention upon what he can do; and it makes his glory a supreme reason for all our concerns." (p. 74)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful excerpts and quotes -- thanks so much for sharing this! These thoughts have been shaped from drinking deeply from God's Word and being transformed by God's Spirit. I love the "quandary" God puts us in by the co-existence of His sovereignty and human responsibility. It leaves us scratching our heads at times, but it gives God all the glory as we step back in amazement at such a paradox (which is only an "apparent contradiction" due to our limits as one of God's creatures). In other words, such truths keep us in our place and humble our pride. And they honor and esteem God's greatness and glory. Thanks again for sharing!