Walking in the Spirit by Kenneth Berding
This short book gives a practical explanation of how the believer is exhorted to live in relation to the Holy Spirit as described in Romans 8 and summarized by the phrase "walking in the Spirit." You might call it "the Romans 8 guide to Spirit-filled living."
The chapters are organized by the major exhortations:
- Walk in the Spirit. (4; cf. Galatians 5:16)
- Set your minds on the things of the Spirit. (5-8)
- Put to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit. (13)
- Be led by the Spirit. (14)
- Know the Fatherhood of God by the Spirit. (15-17)
- Hope in the Spirit. (18-25)
- Pray in the Spirit. (26-27)
What I liked about the book:
- a helpful explanation of how biblical metaphors work (pp. 21-22) and why they are needed
- illustrations from his personal life: how being filled with the Spirit causes us not to desire that which would satisfy the flesh,
- clear explanation of biblical concepts like flesh, mindset, mortify
- The author is careful not to make walking in the Spirit formulaic and encourages us to learn as we do it.
- An appendix is provided which gives an overview of Romans 8 and helps us to see that the chapter is not simply about the individual.
- short, very readable and accessible; study questions at end of chapters
I would recommend this book to people who want to know what it means to live a spiritual life in Christ, to small groups, and church members of denominations where the Holy Spirit is seldom discussed. This book is not an exhaustive treatment of the subject but brings out important truths that every believer should know.
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